BCOE&M 2.7.0: Upgrade Instructions

Always make a back up of your BCOE&M database prior to performing any updates! This will allow you to back out your installation should anything go wrong.

These instructions are for those who wish to upgrade BCOE&M on their own web server. Hosted installations will be automatically upgraded following each release.

Step 1: Configure the New Version

  1. Download the latest release version from GitHub.
  2. Unpack the BCOE&M archive file locally.
  3. Locate the /site/ sub-folder.
  4. With your favorite text editor (Sublime Text, Notepad++, even plain ’ol Notepad, etc.), open the the config.php file located in the /site/ directory.
  5. Define the $username, $password, and $database variables. You may need to alter the $hostname variable depending upon your server setup. Check your hosting company’s documentation.
  6. Optionally, define the $prefix variable on or around line 109. This is useful if you wish to have separate BCOE&M installations or other applications share the same mySQL database.
  7. If you are installing the application in a sub-folder (e.g., http://www.yoursite.com/subfoldername/), be sure to define the $sub_directory variable.
  8. These should match your current installation’s settings exactly.
  9. If you are upgrading from a version prior to
    1. Locate the /includes/ subfolder.
    2. With your favorite text editor, open the the version.inc.php file located in the /includes/ directory.
    3. Change the $version variable to the version you are upgrading from (e.g.,, etc.).
    4. Save the file.

Step 2: Upload the New Source Code Files

Most releases add or make changes to multiple files. Therefore, you should replace all of the folders/files on your web server.

  1. Using your favorite FTP program, upload the entire contents of the source code folder (including your customized /site/config.php file) to your web server.
  2. Once that is done, you can now set up your installation.

If you have made changes to any code, be sure to back up the appropriate files and compare with the files in the latest BCOE&M version.

Step 3: Run the Update

  1. After uploading the files, navigate to your site’s web address.
  2. You may be automatically redirected to the update function. Some versions do not require a user-initiated update.
    1. Only users with top-level administrative access can initiate the upgrade process, so you may need to log in.
    2. Proceed with the update.
  3. If you are not redirected to the update function, updates have been made "behind the scenes."
  4. Verify that the correct version is running by checking the version number in the footer.

Step 4: Refine Your Site

Most releases add new features. As such, you may need to set preferences for them by logging in to Admin and updating them.